Types of Data Rooms


If you’re considering a virtual data room (VDR) for any due diligence project, collaboration or storage, there are many different types of VDR solutions on the market. Choosing the right one for your requirements is essential – you want to ensure that your files are accessible, are shared and downloaded with security, and that all data remains secure throughout the entire time.

Due Diligence

Due diligence is among the most popular uses for a virtual dataroom in M&A transactions. This involves sharing confidential data between two or more parties, like financial records and legal documents. A VDR permits the seller and buyer to conduct due diligence in a safe well-organized and controlled manner. It is crucial to keep track of who has accessed the information and when, to avoid security breaches or sensitive data leaks. Screenshot and watermarking protection can help to prevent this from happening in the due diligence stage.


A pre-planned VDR is a great way to get your team organised prior to the time a full due diligence process begins. This allows you to upload documents and information early to ensure that everything is ready for when third parties are invited into as well as allowing for significant process efficiencies along process. The most effective preparation virtual data rooms will also have granular document permissions that can be modified based on the role, folder types of data rooms and even file and document level to ensure that only the information you require is available.